


Archival pigment prints of variable sizes, audio installations of variable durations

Convergence is a body of photographic and audio work that takes an intimate look at segments of the Chinese community in Singapore and Malaysia and how people live and see themselves in these two countries with shared histories. It considers race, politics, history and privilege through conversations on and photographs of the lives, personal spaces and experiences of participants. This work contemplates how people have evolved with characteristics shaped by colonial and migratory history, by the politics that have dominated the landscapes, and social norms particular to Singapore and Malaysia. It also questions and records the changes current generations experience as they grow increasingly distant from their grandparents’ homeland, and as attitudes and values shift.

The work was initially presented as a solo exhibition in NUS Museum's Baba House from 2010-2011, curated by Qinyi Lim. There is also a monograph, available in the Objectifs Centre for Photography and Film bookstore.

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