This is a recitation performance about 25 minutes long. There are four participants who are given 2-3 edited recordings, each 2-4 minutes long, of interviews I had done in the last few years in English, Cantonese, Mandarin and Urdu, from Hong Kong, Karachi and Singapore. The people in the recordings talk about their families, politics, histories and bureaucracies in relation to their own experiences. The participants are asked to memorise the recordings, and then re-speak, not necessarily verbatim, these memories and experiences one after the other during the performance. They do not face each other as they are not speaking to each other, but face the audience. As the participants speak, unsynchronised English transcripts and translations are simultaneously projected.
The work asks how one listens, how one can relate to or embody the voices and memories of others, and how one remembers. This work also asks how one contends with the discomfort of not knowing what is being said by someone talking at you. The information in the text will sometimes be synced with, and sometimes out of sync with, what is said by the participants, providing access to understanding, but questioning the relationship between memory and actuality, language and difference.